*PuRrPaWs FoOtsTepS*

Monday, July 31, 2006


每个人都很好, 是不是只是我一相情愿的想法...?

6:08 AM
P u R r P a W s

Sunday, July 30, 2006


I am daydreaming again...

Seeing countless bubbly $~$~$~$~$ signs floating above my head...

What a nice dream :o)

I seriously think it may work, I just need time for another daydream... Hehe.

3:39 AM
P u R r P a W s

Saturday, July 29, 2006

FiNaLLy CoMpLetEd CLeaRaNce!!!!

I finally completed my clearance yesterday! It took 6 hours, can you believe it? It was worse than just tiring.

The whole thing was just outright INCONVENIENT! I was lucky that dad drove me around. Or else I doubt its just 6 hours I would take, and I am sure that the amount of taxi-fare accumulated can easily shot way pass S$100.

And to add to the super inconvenience, without my knowledge, they deactivated my pass. "Hello? Is there anything in the clearance letter that says that the pass will be de-activated???" No pass means no access to virtually anywhere I need to go! For all stops, I need to explain extensively why I cant have access through their securities. Its fine if the staff are nice, but you bet some people from big organizations are just regretful to work with, I'll tell you why later.

Imagine. I have to travel to far-east-side area A to return uniforms. Had my pass replaced here with a small strip of paper. My god, as if your security "gates" recognize a piece of paper with no magnetic strip or whatsoever! How was I to gain access through the rest of the security gates at other destinations???


Then I have to go to B to clear my mailbox and settle medical leave issues. Remember, I have no access through the security gates and not all staff are friendly. One such female staff did not even bother to look at me or answer when I stood right in front of her to ask where can I do my clearance, she just act as if I am invisible! FISH that idiot! Finally realise that clearance was not at B as stated, but at B2. Luckily, I manage to get endorsement without much more hiccups there.


Then to C. I was suppose to be escorted but not! Oh, and did I mention that the clearance form stated my designation wrongly? It appears that I was suddenly promoted. It seems like a mnior problem, but it meant that I have to complete clearance with another 2 depts with items I do not have. So the first stop was HR, to correct this. This nice lady was willing to complete my HR-related clearance even though I have not done its pre-requisites depts clearance. Like many others. it was here that I realise that the payroll dept was not in the same building. Argh!

Anyway, on returning the super-heavy manuals, I learn that all doors are now affixed with security features that won't work without a pass. FISH! I was stuck in between doors for half an hour trying to "negotiate" for help. I guess I can be stuck there for a whole day without anyone noticing. Some people are just damn unwilling to get out of her seat to open up the door for me! Keep transfering me to other lines, until eventually, she realises that oh yah, its HER job to assist my clearance. What the FISH. !@#$%

Super Angry!

Next to Payroll dept located strangly at a damn wuloo place. Dad cant drive in as he has got no security clearance. So poor me boarded a bus in. At least here, they bother to arrange an escort to help you, but its stange why Payroll dept is situated at such a far-off unfriendly place, when they have so much space in C. And why must we clear Payroll separately, is there no departmental communication? By right, I must return to C again... (...xyz...!) to return the clearance form to HR, like the rest before me. But I am lucky the nice lady at HR has requested for Payroll to mail it back. Whew, one less trip.

The way a big organization works... fish...

3:34 PM
P u R r P a W s

Friday, July 28, 2006

pRetTy BZ...

Eversince my last flight, my daily schedules seems to be more and more packed... I seriously need more sleep!

Yesterday, I was supposed to do my job clearance. Very thankful that KimChi offered to accompany me! But in the end I didn't managed to do the clearance because.... Anyway, we ended up in Bugis! Kimchi treat me to a yummy sushi dinner, and we took Neoprints too!

Taking Neoprints nowsaday is so fun! We get to choose from many vibrant backgrounds, and do lotsa editing! Chosed "Super-White" effects, it looked good in e machine but it was a pity that it really turned out super-white in the printout:

>> KimChi & cHoCo editing the Neoprint :o)

>> Tata! The Final PrintOut!

So sad I have to leave shopping with Kimchi after the Neoprint session to attend class. Had a strong urge to miss the lecture. Luckily my mind was still functioning rationally enough to resist evil temptations, as I hate feeling guilty afterwards. Frankly, I am starting to have class phobia. I just can't understand what the lecturer says... His words seems to swim in the air forever. Feeling rather stupid. Furthermore, in this semester I have to take up 3 of my worst subjects. STRESSED. I cant help comparing how flying can be much easier if without the culture, and also much more financially rewarding. Must remind myself why I chose to study in the first place and stop being such a whiner! Go Go, Jia You!

Oh yes, back to today. I went to JB! As usual, went for a nice lunch, watched a movie and had KTV with buffet in the evening, all at CitySquare! Bought these:

>> VS Compact Styling Brush. Quite fun to see perm-alike curls after use!

>> Piggy H/P pouch with ribbons-chain!

Isn't it KAWAII??? They came separately. Actually I sort of dismantle, removed and rearrange parts of the chain so it doesn't look too "exaggerated". Overall, I guess my day in JB should be pretty fun, but I wasn't in a good mood. I think its the slimming pills I am taking for the past 3 days.

I fell a couple of times to the fairytale-like temptations of slimming pills, but I never had enough patience to complete the whole course. I usually stop after taking 4 to 5 tablets. To minimize wastage, I thought I might as well finish them up soon. But as much as it may be effective (frankly I don't know), I am quite vunerable to the side effects, especially depression feelings. Think I have to drop the idea of finishing them again. Sigh.

GTG, my schedule's super duper packed tomorrow! Goodnight, world!

1:10 AM
P u R r P a W s

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

ArGh!!!! I GaiNeD weiGhT!!!!

Did not do my clearance as planned today... Not feeling too well. Feeling giddy and nauseous, argh! I wonder was it the effect of the slimming pills that I took last night to curb late night snacking?

I totally gained back the kg I've lost weeks back... Its my fault, my lack of self-discipline that master-minded late night snacking for the past 2 weeks. Honestly, I think its too mild to call that amount of food I ate at night "snacking". They are complete meals by themselves. I would not even call them suppers, they are literally full-dinners in the wee hours of the morning.

And I got to admit I took no less than one such meal every night for the past 2 weeks. Aren't I glad that its not 10kg I've gained? Anyone know any good slimming centres around, preferably stamped with the price-tag "free-of-charge"??

Sharks, my mum juz came home with 3 of my favourite deep-fried huge mushrooms rolls, all for me!!!

Someone, please save me!!!!!

1:03 PM
P u R r P a W s

VaL's WeDdiNg pHoTo-taKiNg sEssiOn!!!

Went to val's wedding-photo taking-session today! Well, technically speaking, it was yesterday. It reminds me of the time I went JB with Kelly-Jie for to collect her wedding gown, not too long ago... Makes me cold sweat for a moment... Is this age of the wedding era? Hehe!

I never thought I would see that gal in a wedding gown so soon! I mean, not so long ago we were still a bunch of carefree kids in school! Ok, I got to say she was more of the kiddy-kid when our group first met some 7years ago. 7 years later, I am still not ready to take up the commitment of marriage, and I don't think I'll ever be ready as a matter of fact. So it really amazes me how she can grow up so fast!

Today is the second time I have seen her husband-to-be. Seriously "bro-in-law-to-be", this is only the second time I have seen you, do you think I have enough confidence to hand our littlest sis to you? **Protective Sis Tone** I mean, physically he's alot bigger than our super-petite gal, one will tend to get images about the big guy bullying the small guy But seeing the way he take care of the gal today, I got to say that I am impressed and relieved. Better take good care of her ok!

Taking wedding photos can be quite a costly, tiring and hungry affair. Its tough exercise to keep your facial expressions in place! Just thinking whether to smile in a certain pose, whether or not to open your eyes in kissing-shots, and which direction to place your eyes on, is already tough enough on brain-body coordination, not to mention the not-so-daily-usual poses to attain. It can get a little awkward for the facial muscles too. I hope they survive the Round 2 Outdoor photo shoot session!

Most importantly, I hope the pics turn out great!

6:41 AM
P u R r P a W s

Monday, July 24, 2006

LaSt FLiGht

I am back from my last flight, Zurich!! Feeling complicated... Sad but happy too! Weird too... After I started this job, I lose interest in some of the fun I used to enjoy, like eating curry puff, walking and going to arcade. But now that I've quit, I am actually craving for curry puff now!

But I miss the job too... Sometimes I think that maybe if not for my fabulous team, I will probably not miss the job that much... No doubt alot learnt, but the payback is equal. Ok, I know I know, I keep talking about my NiceNice team, but thats the truth mah! Let me talk my rubbish one last time, ok? No more chances in the future.

One thing for sure: There are alot of crazy people in the world, but there are also plenty of nice people. Not all people are nice at first sight, but they can be the nicest once you get to know them. Bad people may appear bad simply because we don't know them. One very clever genius once said that "Ren Zhi Chu Xing Ben Shan", isn't it? Human behaviours are largely influence by culture and upbringing. But some people are really too horrible!

Ok, enough crap, back to my last flight.

Everyone... well, almost everyone were nice! Very lucky to meet Brenda on my last flight. She didn't recognize me at first. Haha! Saw a much tougher side of her that I did not see during poly-days. Hope no matter what, may good things happen to good people!

Guess what, I had the "chance" of working U2 for the first time on the way back. Mayb it was my last day, I did not actually feel as scared as I thought I would. It was playtime more than worktime for me. Haha! Luckily chief was super nice!!!! But they say I think everyone is nice... Haha.

Zurich was not exactly fun... It was like a hot dry oven! I wasnt feeling too well on day 1, so only join them for some shopping around town on day 2. Bought a money-claimable-from-bro-in-law-LongChamp for school use, and a niceNice Swarovski necklace (abit like Meteor Garden's Necklace). Totally overspent, but its my last flight mah...

Now that one headache is over, another headache has set itself against me (thats the clearance.. :(...), and i predict that a major headache is going to bully me for the next four years!!!

11:51 PM
P u R r P a W s

Friday, July 21, 2006

Sob... So Touching!!!


5:09 PM
P u R r P a W s

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

MisSinG EveRyOnE...

I have been spending my days sleeping in the daytime and watching "DEviL BeSidE Me" at night. Occasionally I go for my class and no, I have not been revising my schoolwork...

I blame the too-much-night-flights in my recent roster for it, verbally. But I guess I should have exercise more self-discipline. Discipline to sleep at the right time, discipline to wake up in the daytime to study, discipline enough not to fall to the temptations of online blogs-reading, and drama-watching.

PuRrPaWs, this is the last warning I am going to give you! Please curb whatever laziness you have by the end of this week and start leading fufilling days! Or else no more chocolates for you!! I am serious!! Hehe, which means I still have up to the end of this week to live my life astray!

Have been reading Jac's blog... I miss you, gals!!!!! I miss jac, claire, yvonne, huifen, weitian, val, weixian, sam, jasper, jerry, xiangzhou, and lots and lots of u!! I miss those days in poly! I miss jac's & claire's perfect-English talking sessions. Haha, and I actually miss weitian's cooking (fried chicken). When will we have a meetUp????!!!

I miss my team too... Wonder how are they doing now? By now they should be in New York, must be fun... Sob. Wish I am there!!!!! Sob Sob! I miss their gentleness... Its weird right? Probably not many people will think of their flying team as gentle, zappy perhaps... But I see alot of gentleness in them. Very gentle kelly, very gentle Isk, very gentle Azhar, even seemingly-strong jac has got alot alot of gentleness in her, and needless to say, Mummy Mary as well, and all of them. So glad for the short time I was with the team, I had the chance of seeing all these.

By the way, do you hear the background song? I cant sing it, but I still like it. It brings me back alot of memories, a very sad but very happy long ago at a snowing city.

7:39 PM
P u R r P a W s

Monday, July 17, 2006

2nD-gLaNce BeaUty

I need to revamp my looks, seriously. Get so sick looking at my big fat polka-dotted ugly face, coupled with big fat nose and my limpy hair, in the mirror everyday. I made a conclusion:

Looking pretty is not a matter of how many clothes I have or how much make-up i put on. If I don't have it, I simply don't have it!

Ugly ducking has waited so long but there's still no indication of her turning into a swan! Can someone please help me revamp my looks??? I want to look pretty for once, and have someone take a 2nd glance at me for the right resaons too!! So envious of all those pretty gals walking along the streets everyday! I want to be 2nD-gLanCe BeaUty too!

Feeling self-consciously deficient. :O(

1:34 AM
P u R r P a W s

Sunday, July 16, 2006

LoNg DaY...

Today has been a really long day... I lost track of the number of hours I have been awake. This is going to be a really long entry! I did all these:

>> Overnight turnaround involving some undesirable station <<
Its been a tough flight. Got a little pissed of by some extremely selfish & totally ignorant people. It was a test on what's pathetically left of my depleted patience. I was a little disappointed at myself for feeling what I felt at these people, I do hope they did not surface due to any changes in my work attitude. But seriously, no excuses for them! Was pondering whether to do my last Zurich flight before this? But the idea of having such a poor turnaround flight being my last memories of working in the airline totally eeks me. It makes me determine to operate and make a better flight out of Zurich.

>> Very very short phototaking session @ the airport with my teamies <<
Today was the first time that all my team girls were rostered for the same flight, naturally it calls for a phototaking session!! Plus, on arrival, we saw our new teamboy welcoming us with a box of my favourite donuts from Seoul!!! He had just arrived short while before us, then came back to the airport just to give us the donuts, forsaking his own much needed rest! Isn't that sweet of him! And it happened that my "older" teamboy Isk was on his way to work as well!! Such a nice coincidence to see majority of them in uniform on my last team flight!

Will upload the pic when I am more awake! By the way Sandy, I've gobbled up the other half of the donut! Nope, not banana flavoured, its blueberry!!! :o)

>> A very rushed Uni-Matriculation <<
I have got my student pass! My pic isn't too bad! Much better then my digitally disfigured pic on my poly student pass! The card looks abit recycled though. But who cares, most importantly welcome to the world of student discounts now!

>> German Food for Lunch with my teamies <<
Nice place near Siglap centre! Gonna bring dad there soon! He has been talking about German pork knuckles since I started flying Frankfurt... Well, more than a year ago.

>> Visit to bLing! Baby Justin was borned! <<
Healthy Baby Justin was born on 14Jul! Congrats Mummy bLing & Daddy Alan! We didn't get to see Baby Justin in the nursery this time round... Can't wait for bLing to take him home! Hehe.

>> KTV session with my teamies <<
Lotsa of songs sang... all with a husky throat. I totally enjoyed it, but my poor teamies had to undergo a 4hour torture! Hahaha! They all have nice vocals! Even the microphone-shy donut supplier!

>> Finally... Did a blog template for our Ms Kimchi Samsoonie <<
Html language is so interesting! Right now I can only do something very simple with downloaded blogskin, but at least we've got our "Twin" blog now!!! Yup, we must make it a point to update it frequently! Long Live Friendship!

Goodnight, world... Purrpaws to dreamland now...

5:10 AM
P u R r P a W s

Friday, July 14, 2006

a nEw bLoG!!! a nEw sTaRt!!

I've got a new blog!!!

Got very motivated by miss KimChi Law to start a new blog, when she was creating a online profile last night. KimChi says I've aleady got too much blogs... But I have been eyeing on getting a blogspot for quite some time, now seems to be the perfect timing since I'm embarking on a new journey! Isn't it a great idea for celebration? Beside, having a "twin" blog with one of my bestest friend is a fantastic idea too! Right, right, right? Well, I always got plenty of excuses to do stuff I want to do. Haha!!

Felt kind of sad yesterday, I just submitted my resignation. Very quickly, my roster was wiped off, and so was my name in my teamlist. My staff number became invalid under "search" too. That's too fast! I thought I still had 2 weeks to go, isn't it? Sob... Kind of upset.

I thought this had been what I wanted, but when it happened, I felt very lost. The life that I may have grumbled intensively about, had been my lifestyle for almost the past 2 years. Now its suddenly gone for real, and I really have to move on. I am really just a student from now on, rooted to our burning hot local grounds, with no overspending power for the next four years. I suddenly wonder if I have made the right choice.

But Sky is right... This is my life, I made my own choices, do not regret because I was the one who made the choice. I can only look forward. My priority from now on will be my studies, I chosed it, so I must work hard for it. I'm not paying 26K to play ok.

I wonder will u miss me, teamies? I definitely will...

Anyway, here are some of my recent activities:

bOnUs DaY @ Ellenborough Market

On our way to make specs for me!!!

My eyesight improved greatly! Only 50degree per eye now! It used to be 300+ for my right eye & 250 for my left when I was very young. I am linking my laziness to wear specs to the improvement of my eyesight... Possible??! Hehe. Sometimes laziness isn't such a bad thing yah! I wonder how long will the novelty of a pair of new specs last for me this time?

4:16 AM
P u R r P a W s


Its a nEw beginning... Light & refreshed... I hope. :o)
CheeRs FoR tHe fUtURe!!!!

3:46 AM
P u R r P a W s

WiShEs Do CoMe TrUe...

blogger graphics

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tHe PaSt
SamSoon's LaLaLand is GoNe!
sTaRriSe JaC
siMiN :o)

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