*PuRrPaWs FoOtsTepS*

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Damn Bored.........

I've been rotting at home for 04 days already.......
Finished another 20 episodes HKG drama within the last 26 hours. Again.
Zero brain activity detected.

And Mom put me on another Food Ban!!! !@#$%
She insisted I looked like I have gained at least another 15KG up the scales.
Come on, its only been 04 days!
I will only look like that if I have been stuffing myself and not shit in the last 10 days.

So here I am, whining talking about getting senile, starvation and shit.
I must have like the most uninteresting life in the whole universe!!!!

My life is meaningless lah... Sigh.

I think I remembered hearing something about quizzes coming up next week.
Been toooooooooo LAZY to start studying for them...

Someone please save me from the LAZY BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh, HOPELESS is my middle-name =(

4:12 AM
P u R r P a W s

Monday, February 25, 2008

我只爱 陌生人

当我需要的 只是一个吻


6:05 AM
P u R r P a W s

Saturday, February 23, 2008




Went Kara's place for Sukiyaki session today =) My feeding schedule roughly went like :

1:30 - 3:00pm - Sukiyaki Steamboat. Ate so much I couldn't even sit properly.

3:30pm - Jelly IceCream

4:00pm - Homemade Cheesecakes by Kara. Multiple slices.

4:30pm - Chocolate Fondue with chips & cookies!

5:00pm - I had to remove my belt to ease breathing. OMG. o_O

7:30pm - More Kara's Cheesecake!

9:30pm - Laksa. Finished the gravy too!

11:00pm - Quarter bottle of Pineapple tarts

12:00am - 2 handfuls of Nougats

How can anyone eat so much in one day??!!!!! OMFG...

P/S : Will upload the pictures when I get hold of the girls'!! :O)

12:16 AM
P u R r P a W s

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I flared!!!

An ABSURD grading system in my maths laboratory this evening had me bringing a showdown on one of the female grader.

She surprised me with a B+ for my exercise, and I guess I surprised the rest of the class by being CATTY.

I guess no-one really thought that I was capable of picking a confrontation with anyone, especially not the academic staff. But boy, she really had me boiling at the unfairness on how she graded our works. Its not my fault that I reacted to that.

But I was worried about being too catty, so I came home and told mum that I thought I saw very surprised looks on my coursemates when it happened. She bursted out in laughter and said, "How could anyone be under the illusion that you don't know how to pick a fight?? YOU HAVE NEVER LOST ANY ARGUMENTS!!".

Ouch. Now that was really helpful, mom.

Sorry for the lack of make-up on my ghostly face... Did I scare you??? (~_~lll

Anyway, I decided to bring the incident to the attention of my professor in an email:

Dear Dr. XXX,

I would like to bring to your attention of an incident that happened in the TC3411 Numerical Methods Laboratory session this evening, 20-Feb-2008.

I was given a B+ by the female grader for today's practical session, which I was unable to comprehend why, since the classmate that I was coaching had an A from the male grader. Both of us were graded at the exact same time.

I requested for an clarification from the female grader on what made the difference to my grade, since both me and the classmate had similar works? I was informed by her that it was because I did the exercise "slower" than others. I was surprised to hear that we were being judged on how fast the grader thought we have done the exercise, and not the quality of our work itself.

I found her reasoning on this to be lacking in impartialness, since:

- There is a classroom full of students, and only 2 graders. They cannot response to all students at the same time. Most students find themselves having to wait and constantly "vye" for the attention of the graders to have our work graded. If the timing at the point of grading was a crucial judgment on our grades, then what accounts for the amount of waiting time to have the graders come to us?

- We should not be faulted in our grades, if we had spent time coaching our classmates in their exercise before we approach the grader.

- I have on occasions waited for the crowd to "disperse" before approaching the graders, as I was not in a hurry to go off, and see no reason to delay time for other classmates who have work commitments to rush off to right after the lesson.

I have expressed my concerns to her that the time of grading is not representative of how fast we did our exercise, and hence should not be used as a critical basis for our grades. Eventually she agreed to change my grade for this session to an A.

I would just like to confirm with you that I indeed have an A grading for this exercise, and would also appreciate your advice if timeliness is indeed a critical consideration in the grading system.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read through this email. I look forward to your reply.

Warmest Regards,

12:04 AM
P u R r P a W s

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

MoM's B'DaY

It was Mom's birthday yesterday. So I brought her out for lunch, and we did a little shopping =)

She has been going crazy over Korean Dramas nowadays, and totally digs korean cusines!!! Especially since there's alot of vegetables in those complimentary pre-mains side-dishes...

Now this the reason why my tummy's been bulging the entire day!!!

We had like double helpings of half the pre-mains served! I think the waiter must have been pretty amused to see such HUGE appetites in two ladies. He gave us a mountain full of KimChi on our second serving....... which, we totally finished. Ouch.

And we went for HongKong deserts right after lunch. OMG.

Outrageously SWWWEEEEEEETTTT HKG-style mango sago with pomelo bits!

I think mom enjoyed it.

On the way to school. My TIRED FACE

2:48 AM
P u R r P a W s

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I spent the last 2.5 days watching Ugly Betty on the net, and I'm already done with Season 1 and halfway though Season 2. Yah I know, I've got no life... I heard that in your thoughts, so thanks for reminding. *Sniffles*

Just kidding, I'm not pyshic. Duh. =X

So I'm going to talk about my weight again. Or as my Fluid Mechanics lecturer corrects us, its called body MASS (please pronounce as "MARS"). I know I've talked this topic like a thousand times, but this whole binge-ing eating-habit of mine is really totally freaking me out.

You know how serious it is when I am weighing myself AT LEAST TWICE A DAY. Once in the morn, and another just before I tuck myself into bed, just for comparison. I'll always get pleasantly surprised when I occasionally did not gain 2KG at the end of the day, from all that amount of food I shoved into my mouth.
And sometimes I'd even weigh myself before and after a meal just to check how much I've really eaten, because I loses track of moderation everytime I sees FOOD.

And you know what? I just cleaned off another KG of Bak GWA in 2 days!!!!

I do eat NON-STOP.

It gets crazier that my thoughts, as I stepped on the weighing scales, were not "I hope I didn't gain weight". In fact, my thoughts usually goes in a little squeaky voice that says, "I'm so excited! Have I gain that 2KG today yet? Oh yeah! I did!". OMG.... *Slaps myself*

In a recent quote from my sister, "Bro-in-Law" was telling her how he is impressed that when I decide not to eat, nothing stops my dieting determination. Her reply? "Well, when she (me) decides to eat, NOTHING can stop her too!". Holy shit.

Well... Weight issues, and more weight issues... Yah I know you are not interested in that. So, I shall graciously spare you the torture of reading more of it. (At least in this entry =P)

So here you go, pictures uploaded...... More "eye-venom", only packaged in a different way. Oh boy, I'm EVIL... My poor readers. =)

Another CNY outing with my family....

Poor Dad.... Being forced by two daughters to prove his point that he is APPROACHABLE

Mom is stilllllllllllllllll camera-SHY......... (~_~lll

The sisters.......

Oh, and I brought my parents to KIM GARY the over the weekends for dinner =)

As usual, I forgot about the camera when the FOOD arrives. But I did remember this! The Lamb Chops that I've been raving about!!! No meh-meh taste!!! Well... maybe you can't really trust me on that part, because I eat practically anything and have no problems with scallions, onions, beef, game, whatever. But its really NICE!!!

OK, I only remember about taking pictures of this after taking a few bites... That's where the missing portion went to. (~_~lll

Anyway, its my mom's birthday today. The digits shall remain mystery. So....


10:33 PM
P u R r P a W s

Saturday, February 16, 2008

NOT BitcHes...

I get very confused when I read youngster's blogs nowadays. Maybe I'm just not that well-educated in English to grasp the amusement that it is supposed to give.

Since when do people start calling their best friends "BITCHES"???

My best friend is definitely no BITCH!!! And I am certainly not a BITCH either! I can't possibly "love my BITCHES girlfriends" or be a lovely "BITCH" with them, because there shouldn't have been any BITCH in them in the first place.

I am ironically amused by anyone who can proudly beams in acknowledgment when being associated with BITCHNESS by a so-called best friend. I think I will be very tempted to scratch my best friend's face if she ever seriously calls me a "BITCH", even if she does that "lovingly".

Well, I'm not talkin sense, am I? This is probably another thing that distinguishes my age from the younglings. I am no longer hip enough to understand their languages.

....Not that I've ever even been hip in the first place.

11:27 PM
P u R r P a W s

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gonna EXIPIRE sOon....

Just remembered something interesting. Thought I'd blog it down for a laugh...

On my previous entry, I mentioned about the family lunch that Mom spends a great amount of effort whipping up every CNY. The spread is usually enough to feed us for at least 4 meals! Despite the additional "help" from my "Bro-in-Law", finishing that amount of food is as much of a chore as cooking it. Storing those leftovers can be a headache as well.

So Mom said that I should invite a BOYFRIEND over next CNY, to help finish up the food. o_O
I can't believe that actually came out of her mouth!!! (~_~lll

So what happened to those boyfriendSSssss that she had never approved of in the past??? What happened to that "No-man-is-ever-good-enough-for-my-Daughter"-Mother I used to have???

Or maybe she is getting very very panicky that I'm already of AGE (and expiring soon), and unfortunately, still look very very SINGLE with ZERO suitors.

Conversation with Mom NOWADAYS has been:
 "Mei(妹), how come there's NO guys after you huh? My daughter cannot make it meh?"
 "Mei(妹), why you so long never receive flowers huh? SO poor thing, I buy for you lah!"
 "Mei(妹), why NO guys ask you out huh?"
 "Mei(妹), why huh? Izzit all your guy friends can't-make-it one huh? Really don't have can-make-it one meh?"
 "Mei(妹), you should widen your social circle and meet more guys mah, then can choose mah."
 "Mei(妹), don't anyhow trust guys hor. BUT hor, if got see good ones also must grab, OK?!"
"Mei(妹), why you never go out nowadays one? NO date meh??"

 "Mei(妹), don't anyhow trust any guys hor."
 "NO ONE is ever good enough for my daughter."
 "I don't know what you see in that Potato / Mosquito / Thing / etc..."
 "You should get those doctor or lawyer boyfriends mah! That kind then is good enough for you!"
 "Aiyo, that kinda of pattern want to woo my daughter!"
 "Aiyo, how can he be compatible with my daughter??!!!"
 "Mei(妹), if got guys chase you hor, you must open your eyes big big, see properly first leh!"
 "My daughter is our 掌上明珠 leh, how can any tom-dick-harry be suitable for her?"
"Mei(妹), why you everyday go out one? Go out with who?"

Last I've heard, she was checking my horoscope for glimpse of L-O-V-E in this coming year.
Oh man, why do I suddenly look so PATHETIC?? =(

Grrr....! Gimme a BREAK!!!

1:18 AM
P u R r P a W s

Monday, February 11, 2008


Here's just one of the many CNY meals I had...

Its called 开年饭. Which in the opinion of my family, has more significance than the reunion dinner. I'm not sure why... My mum usually spends an entire morning preparing for this meal. Its supposed to have like 10 dishes totalled up. All the good stuff are in it! =P

GOSH!! How can I not grow fat with all these??!!! *WAIL....!!!*

OK, a close-up of just some of the dishes =)

We started off with Yu-Sheng with Abalone!!!

The hidden pieces of Abalone!!!!

Pig Trotters marinated with COKE!!! Yup, Coca Cola COKE!!! Yummy!

Stir-Fried Prawns
We were supposed to have Tempura Prawns, but it didn't work out =( So mom stir-fried the prawns.

Stir-Fried Vegetables with Pacific Clams (If I'm roughly correct...)

Juicy Huge-Ass Mushrooms with dried Mussels and "Fatt-Choy"
Oh man, I'm salivating just typing this.

Sharkfin Soup (See that big piece of Sharkfin!)
Unfortunately I'm really not a fan of Sharkfin. Dad helped me with a quarter of this, and Sis polished another half off my bowl. (And yup, I have a huge spoon!)

The rest are just common stuff like double-boiled soup, waxed-meat, chicken and salmon steaks, so i'm not uploading the pics...

And that was only LUNCH!!!

To top that up, I finished two-thirds of a huge bottle of Pineapple-Tarts in that same day....

I wonder why my friends are under the impression that I have a SMALL appetite???

5:21 AM
P u R r P a W s

Friday, February 08, 2008

3:35 PM
P u R r P a W s

Thursday, February 07, 2008


~ ~ ~ 万 事 如 意 ~ ~ ~

Uploaded quite alot of pics! =)

But sorry, no photos of my little handsome cousins for you to drool over this time... =(
One had to work today, and the other just "donated" his hair to the country... (~_~lll

So, next year perhaps.

Here... The second generation of the Law Clan in Singapore.
(Minus one absent from scene)

My uncle & auntie!!! =) Looking young!

I DID MY HAIR!!! All by myself!!! :O)

Ok lah, Dad did help me spray my hairdo lah...

My hand wasn't long enough to reach that far backwards for that 20cm-away-Light-Mist hairspray effect.

It has been my family's tradition to visit the Changi Airport every CNY. We live in the far-west zone, while the airport is located at the far-east. Taking these long rides across the island on CNY is believed to improve luck.

Yah, I take after my Dad alot.

But NO. No matter how many times I've heard about the similarities....

My Dad is CUTE lah. Keke.

Mum is super camera-SHY today :O(

Was making CHEEKY faces as my Dad was trying figure out how to use my camera =P
Who knows, he actually managed to take a snap, and I looked like this.

Now for a more "proper" shot!

Settling down for FOOD - Sis & Dad. They were sometimes mistook as couple!! OMG!

Was I staring at another table's FOOD again?!

Sis trying to look very very DEMURE.... (> _ <).....????

Too much monkey-faces makes my make-up all faded....... (~_~lll

Back home, I started on an hour plus of labour-intensive LIPOSUCTION on the BAK-GWA (Bacon)
OMG!!! Look at all the HEART-CLOGGING FATS!!!!


9:08 PM
P u R r P a W s

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The first wedding dinner I've attended in 2008! =)

Remember the primary school classmate's wedding I attended in early January? Gee, yah I know I'm a month late in posting these...

My camera's pics are rather blurred, so I've only managed to upload some of them...

The Couple :O)

All the girls at the table were my primary schoolmates!

I couldn't even remember some of them, it has been so long!! I thought a couple of them looked rather familiar, but I was quite certained that my memory isn't that good. Then I found out that night that we had actually attended the same course in poly!! Haha!

Baby Star of the table!!!

Exclusively for our cameras! CUTE! Haha.

They look so compatible together!!! I totally love their wedding shots, they have a very taiwanese-drama-feel to them!!! Their dating video screened during the dinner had one of the cutest storyline I've ever known :O) Sweet!

8:12 PM
P u R r P a W s

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