*PuRrPaWs FoOtsTepS*

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My 2.5 years old lappie has officially CRASHED!!!!!!!!!

Damn, this is so FRUSTRATING!!!!!

Its just been 2.5 years, and I spent SGD2888.00 on this thing.
And its a Fujitsu some more! Aren't Fujitsu lappies supposed to last longer???
That's certainly not enough reasons to start rationalizing about buying a new one after just mere 2.5 years.

Anyone knows any reputable lappie repair services around?
Please leave a message on my tag board. Thanks! =)

8:03 PM
P u R r P a W s

Friday, March 28, 2008

After a couple of years of blogging, I'm starting to get real bored.

Everything I blog about is almost the same - Shopping, outings, lotsa rants, myself, shopping, lotsa lotsa rants and myself again, blah blah blah... Not that my blog was ever interesting to start with, but yes, I'm getting boring. I yawn when reading my own blog.

I guess we can't really expect that much of a diversity in a normal person's thoughts. Maybe that's only me. But I feel more or less 'normal' to myself. So yes, a normal uninteresting person's life will only evolve around a few usual routines. And like in TV sense, there will always only be a few channels to tune to. In local terms, it will always MediaCorp, kinda sad but what more can you expect?

Oh my PIMPLE........ It has swelled to a humongous size of 6cm across! The swelling has caused my lips to slant badly and totally crooked my smile (you will only see the left side of my teeth when I smile now). I hope its not permanent nerve damage. *SAD*

Always thought its super SILLY to visit the doctor over a pimple. But I did. I'm totally freaked out already. 6cm-swelling is reasons for ALOT of concerns! Apparently, two very harmless pimples merged and my skin couldn't heal naturally, so tata~ Unstoppable Destruction! I've always said I have ultra poor healing skin. =(

Anyway, I'm resorted to wearing plasters on my face already. And I'm definitely gonna be scared for life I'm already sure. On the bright side, I'm gonna help the cosmetic industry bloom with my new long term dependence on concealers. My midget contribution to the economy, I guess. Sigh.

Ok, now for the really GROSSSSSSSSSS details.... Wahahaha!

I placed a slight pressure on the swelling with my finger last night. And OMG alot of greenish-yellow pus oozzed out!! I didn't even use any force, it was a really really really slight touch, almost nothing!!

I know it sounds kinda SICK, but it was FUN!!! I spent the next hour trying every direction possible to squeeze the damn thing out. But I guess manufacturing needs time. Eventually I got the whole area bruised but there was no more. =(

Yes, I know "finger-handling" is a huge NO-NO on the face. But removing the pus helps in healing, and I'm really more concerned with that now then with the eventual scarring. As a matter of fact, despite me always going "Tsk Tsk Tsk!" while telling all my friends not to do so, I squeeze all my pimples! Haha!!!

Yes, I pretty much heckcare my skin. Contrary to what everybody else thinks. I guess my girlfriends will be screaming at me if they see my so-called beauty regime. I have NO BEAUTY REGIME, NOTHING...

- I do my make up every single day, but I do not own a make up remover. I skip the step and move to washing.

- I do not own a facial cleanser either.

-I wash my face with what I used to wash the rest of my body with --- Shower Gel.

- I have never been to facials before. I have no idea how they work.

- I don't own a toner.

- I don't own an eye cream.

- I don't own any acne creams, pimple creams or blemish cream, whatever you call those.

- I don't use sunblock.

- I'll use a moisturiser when I remembers - which is not every often and it is certainly forgettable every night.

- What else do everyone puts on their face? I don't really know either...

Looking at all that... I wonder is the latest pimple-tragedy enough reason to make me regret.

Concealers, concealers... Time to stock up!
Well, a pity my birthday isn't anywhere near. If not, my wishlist this year would have been concealers. =P

6:15 AM
P u R r P a W s

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I feel at my MEANEST today!!!
I would tear the whole house down if I can.

That huge ugly pimple on my right chin is making me lose control of all sanity!!!! My gum hurts from it, my teeth aches from it, I'm losing sleep over it, a headache is developing, and my lower right cheek and the whole chin are like paralysed with PAIN now. If period cramp is this bad, I would operate away my womb, I swear.

I doubt I've ever got a pimple this bad! I thought the one I've got on my left cheek from the bad air in HKG some 10 years back was like the worst already. Hell, NOOOO!!! You should really see this, its just a small pea-size thing but it had managed to make a full 3cm diameter around it swell up with pain! Nasty!!!

I can just pull off a long string of vulgarities now loh! PAIN is an understatement. AAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, an recent entry below. Boy, it seems like I'm in alot of ANGER lately.
The language sucks but I'm in no mood to do any checking or editing. Well, nobody reads my blog expecting good English anyway.

Bye, I'm off to curse my PAIN.


I know I’ve written about this before, but I’m gonna write about it again. Blame it on the idiotic males who once again sparked off my frustrations over this.

Guys always talk about the equality of sexes when it comes to sharing the household expenses, the wedding expenses, the housing loans, and the list goes on. But when it comes to the corporate wars, the household authorities and such, hello where did the equality of sexes suddenly disappearred to?

Just because it’s the so-called norm nowadays, it doesn’t mean that it is right. Just because there are very obliging females, it doesn’t mean that you can shamelessly take the rest for granted! And just because your girlfriend or wives are kind and considerate enough to share your financial burdens, it doesn’t mean we owe you any responsibilities to do so!

My point remains.

Many guys get mistaken here. Signing the marriage certificate only bonds you in recognition as a married couple in the eyes of the law. It does not imply that your wife has been sold to you, nor does she become your property. And it is certainly not a door pass to start short-changing her happiness thereafter.

Heard about the bastard whom not only beat up his wife in front of his in-laws, saw no responsibilities whatsoever to bring bread home to his wife and family, and still demands money from his wife’s hard earn bonus to upgrade his car! The Shameless even have the audacity to protest that “But you are already married to me!” when the wife refused.

Surprise, surprise, such was the act of a college educator I know. Boy, it must be a disgust to share a bed with an asshole like this. Hello? She’s only married to you, not sold to you! But OMG, two children??!! I guess the woman isn’t that clever either.

See, if you expect a woman to get married to cook your meals, slog her ass off at work to earn pennies to split the household bills, the grocery expenses and the housing installments, get fucked and bear children that don’t even carry her surname, then spend weekends at home cleaning after your mess, with no allowance expected and no questions asked, you must be one fucking idiotic pea-brained egoistic male to even assume so in the first place.

I assure you that every single female on the planet gets married with expectations of a blissful life. Contribute to the household when the man is less capable? Sure, fair enough. But if you are looking for an instant slave here, come on, which girl wants to get married that way? Even the Indonesian maid gets an easier job. And she GETS PAID!!!

Of course, there could be girls who find joy in washing diapers and that all, no doubt. If you’ve met someone like that, then congrats you’ve found a SuperGirl whose mentality is still stuck in the 50s. But chances, are, these girls don’t expect to work after marriage. Or either, your ears have simply been deaf to the grudges in them. =)

Local males will argue that “What allowance? Modern couples are about sharing! There's nothing wrong with that mah. Anyway, we do the common practice of emptying our CPF account for the flat’s down-payment first. The girl would only need to contribute her CPF to the monthly housing loans thereafter. We would still have contributed more to housing.”

Oh, so? Don’t make me laugh my ass off! What the big deal? Is your CPF account worth like millions? Wake up, girls! It’s not even like the returns from the sale of the flat goes to the female. They’ll still go entirely back to HIS account!

And, what sharing?? Sharing means splitting the household chores too. Guys, be fair. Come on, admit who does more of the work at home. Not you! Who goes through the pain of labor? Not you neither! I don't even know how you can call that sharing!

And stop using the flat for an excuse! Singapore guys are so unromantically good at that. Even the wedding proposal revolves around the flat.

I can jolly well buy my own flat, empty out my own CPF account and still pay the monthly installment by myself too! Why do we need you? The grocery and household bills are definitely cheaper by myself too. And the best part is, I can feed myself ice-creams and Bailey’s any day I like. Who needs to care a damn about compromising to alien taste-buds? I don't even need to share my bed, nor put up with that awful snoring every night! And even better, I don’t have to share the profits from the sales of my flat too.

So why get married??!!

Again, the male may too protest that we get married so that we can have kids! “Don’t all woman love kids? You need us, don’t you?” Sure, most of us love kids (not me though). Well, we can always hop over to the Sperm Bank for one. One who will eventually bear my last name, that is. =)

On the other hand, can males bear children?? O_o Yah, you weren’t wrong to think that sperm is unique to men. Then let me inform you that cloning doesn’t even need a sperm. =)

Guys, you still don’t get it do you? Your role in this world can almost be obsoleted already. Be the egoistic fool you were, go ahead. But seriously, you are in no position to bargain any more from us, yet don’t intend pay your share for it. You had better start appreciating the saints in females, dude.

Go dutch on marriage? Really… Don’t kid us.

P/S: Any disagreeing males around? Yes, call me a feminist. Or better still, go ahead and brand me a FCP too. But I don’t really care what your puny brain thinks. =)

10:23 PM
P u R r P a W s

Saturday, March 22, 2008

And i hate.

I spent a few days thinking about the

Things I HATE.............!

There really isn't that much stuff that I really hate. Erm..... Ok, that could be a lie. Well, here goes:

Yes, as much as a glutton I am, there are food that a glutton wouldn't touch too!

- Carrots!!!
I'll only eat RAW or really MASHY stewed carrots, nothing in between.

- Cai Xin!!!
Yucks! They threaten to choke me every time. I simply can't swallow these things! I'll only eat those from HKG or China which we know as "Cai Xin Hua".

- Watermelon
I kinda like these actually, I just hate them because I'm such a failure in eating them without having their juice dripped all over my face and clothing. Such a embarrassment I'd make. Hence, avoidance at all cost!

- When my mom tries out new dishes....
Need I say more?


- Egoistic Males
Yucks, they are like the wrath of the social world. They MUST have the last say in EVERYTHING and must be RIGHT every single time. Come on, when you are WRONG, you are WRONG! I don't care how many times a day you gotta pump your ego to make you feel more like a human, but you are just a dumbwit to me.

- Petty Females
They are just wasting air being so emotional over every single thing on the planet. For god's sake, please spare my ears! I simply cannot understand them. Shame.

Frankly, it is really very very very tiring and a total waste of time having to take care of their oh-so-fragile-glass-feelings that can hit intolerance don't-know-how-many-times a day. If you have to be so sensitive over EVERYTHING, I suggest you'd better lock yourself up at home. If your boyfriend/pet/everythingelse is so goddamn important and so vulnerable, you had better lock them up at home too. 'Cos this is the world, and the world has many things that will piss one off. If you can't live with that, too bad.

- Those who take things for granted
I have pretty much nothing more to say about these group of people, except.... Please avoid me.

- Selfish Idiots...
Who simply refuse to give up their seats for the elderly and the pregnants on the trains or buses! Hello? Are you blind? Or are you bye-ka?? I will stare hard at them until they do. Stupid Cow.

- The Gossipers
I love a juicy gossip every now and then. I am super duper Kay-Po too. So its kinda ironic these people made it to my Hate List. Well if you do want to gossip, please do so with integrity, share the juicy facts but don't stir stories! Difficult?? Then better keep your mouth shut. 'Cos you never know when a little "harmless" story from you today is going cost another's life tomorrow.

- And I shall not discuss more about the racism in me.

Interesting enough, Hypocrites, Liars, Rude People, and that Trivial (office) Politician did not make it to my Hate List. 'Cos these people are everywhere. They are irritating, no doubt. But if I'm to hate them, then I'm about to hate almost the entire world. They are here to stay, and they will be a part of our daily life. So, smile and say hello. =)


Some people simply don't understand that I am fully capable of handling my own life. I appreciate advices, but STOP NAGGING!!!!




- Yes, MY NOSE

P/S : In a rush now, will add more later! =P

10:48 AM
P u R r P a W s

Friday, March 21, 2008

Girlfriend by Marie Digby

This is so what-I'm-feeling nowadays... Sigh. Emo.

You wear, your hair like it's your best accessory
And I don't want to ever have to compete with that
I know, you'd be nothing but excessively sweet (no?)
Cherish me, sing to me, love me

But I can't belong to anybody else right now
Though it is not much of an excuse
I can't belong to anybody else when I've got so much figuring out to do

I don't want to be a girlfriend
I don't want to talk about my feelings yea
I don't wanna be some girlfriend
I don't wanna have to explain what I'm thinking

I go, alone to watch stupid romance movies
And I sit, wishing it was your arms wrapped around me
And I just deny that all I want is a piece of you
but I guess it's true

Don't want to talk on the phone
Don't want attachments,
Don't wanna be your girlfriend..

I just can't belong to anybody else right now
Though it is not much of an excuse
I can't belong to anybody else when I've got so much figuring out to do

I don't wanna be a girlfriend
I don't wanna talk about my feelings yea
I don't wanna be a girlfriend
I don't wanna have to explain what I'm thinking

Is it wrong for me to want you just for a day?
I don't want to be that kind of girl
But I can't help myself

1:00 PM
P u R r P a W s

Monday, March 17, 2008

A starblogger recently had a cbox added to her blog. People started swarming in to voice their opinions about her. Some were polite and supportive but many were just rude. There are even forums set up to critise her!!

I'm neither her fan nor hater. But I'm just finding the whole thing very interesting.

Humans are just funny.

We are always so quick to place judgement on people whom we don't even know that well to start with. Was it even our business? Not like we are so perfect ourselves, and not that anyone even asked for our opinions in the first place.

Really, why does it bother us to comment on another person's life? I mean, if you like my blog and you like my face, you stay. But if you hate me, you can simply just fuck off. Nobody's forcing you to read anything anyway.

All the insults and everything... Gosh, why should anyone be deprived of the basic respect that any other human-being deserves? What good does it make to dig at someone else's privacy? What good does it make to bring someone down? And what good it makes to be a murderer with your words?

Anyone can be a drama-queen, an attention-leech or the bitch-from-hell for all I care, but as long as she does not step on me, why should I be bothered?


On the same note, I am always very amused by the office-politics-players at places I have worked in.

Does it really make anyone look better because someone else looks bad? Did you seriously think you looked any more angelic when you were bitching about others? Did you think I would have my whole world crashing down just because you said someone said someone said something about me? Why, were you even expecting a reaction from me?

Duh. You think I care?

7:20 PM
P u R r P a W s

Wednesday, March 12, 2008



人的天职 是结婚生子 将生命一代一代的延续。


如果人生 就不过如此。。。

那人 与 三文鱼 有什么不同? o_O


人生快乐与否 又有什么意义?

既然这些 都不重要。。。

那坐在电脑前的 三文鱼您。。。

你还不快把 全副资产 都给老娘我!!!! =P

P/S : 我的人生 才不是 为了生小猪 的 母猪!

2:50 PM
P u R r P a W s

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

HELP!!! eBAY's GOT ME!!! (~_~lll

I've spent the entire period since the last entry eBay-ing, sleeping and snacking =( Thought I had better post something up here before my definitely-pathetic-reader-numbers forsake my blog.

My sugar intake has been horrendous, even by my standards!!! eBay is damn unhealthy. But I managed to lose 1.5KG over the last few days from all that sleep. Yeah =) Sleeping always does wonders to my weight!

Latest from MOM :
"I think you better START working. Ever since you stopped working, you've gained so much weight!"

I thought just a few months ago, she exclaimed :
"I think you better STOP working! Ever since you took up a job, you've gained so much weight!"

Judging by her words, I just keep growing and growing, so I must be like SUPER FAT now lah! Yah Yah Yah...
Mothers.... Never trust them manz.


Oh, I suddenly remembered an incident that happened couple of weeks ago (or was it months?), which I still feel absurd about.

I was in town with UNCLE and his friends, and was standing a couple of meters away (I'm allergic to smoke) from them while they had their pre-meal puff, when this mid-twenties DumbAss approached me and asked me to walk along with him (I thought I heard some Japanese from him). I threw him a bewildered look o_O and he asked in accented English, "Are you waiting?". ???? I replied that "No, I'm not waiting for ANYTHING.", to which he gave his apologies, looked truly embarrassed and ran off.

I'm giving him the benefit of doubt that he honestly thought I was waiting for someone and perhaps I fitted the description of his blind date. At least, he did not announced any bad intentions. Honest mistake, that is.

Somehow, this incident reminded me of the many indecent invitations I had received in town over the last 8 years! *ROARS!!!!* Yes, 8 years ago when I was 17, I positively looked like some stupid underdeveloped junior girl from high school. What the hell were they thinking?

And the weirdest part is, I was approached by all these strange weirdos (mainly middle-aged Ang-Mohs) at the heart of our city!! It wasn't even that I looked anything like I was soliciting for "work". I was just an average happy girl doing her shopping until they polluted the air I breathed. Their embassies should start educating them that in our country, prostitutes do not normally appear soliciting for business while shopping at Lido nor Ngee Ann City! And they certainly don't start work at 9am in the morning! So stop coming here to terrorize the nation's young and innocent!!!

UNCLE claims it must be the way I dress that attracts all these assholes. Come on, its not like Lao-Niang gets her clothes from Geylang, neither do I tailor-make my clothes to look any different. I get my apparels where all the other normal girls in SIN get them! Plus, I am even considered conservative in dressing by my parents' standards! And guess what? The first time that I was approached, I was actually wearing long sleeve Tees with long pants and covered shoes leh!!

Yes, I've gotta admit I may look kinda "China". But hey, that doesn't make me an instant Escort loh! Use your common sense lah, idiots!!

This is like the worst kinda insult a girl can get. Freaking sickos.

So damn grossed with all these indecent men who have their amoeba brains located at that teenie-weenie-bitsy excusable growth on their crotches. If I had my way, I would not hestitate to make EUNUCHS out of every bastard I meet next that comes with any morally-questionable agendas.

From now on, I should just start carrying a pair of sisscors wherever I go. GRR....!!!!


Anyway, overdue pictures from the sukiyaki steamboat session @ Kara's

The girls were complaining of having broad faces in the pictures. Come on! (~_~lll Which one of you have a face that's bigger than mine?? *SOBS*

Kara's homemade cheese cake is HEAVENLY!!!!


My cute BESTIE "seducing" Kara's dog with a cookie tin!! Haha.

See, my feline side. LOL
Pardon my daily MESSY hair.

7:34 AM
P u R r P a W s

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I have NOT been following my Jellyfish Diet.

Apparently, cutting open the packaging and stirring the seasoning mix together was way too much work for yours-truly here. The horrors of laziness, really. Gosh, I am disgusted at myself.

So I have been surviving on a diet of cookies, chips, excess of chocolates, 7-UPs and fried chicken, bursting my calories count everyday.

GROSS is the word when I lift up my arms and see my armpits sinking down. ARGH.

Mom, as usual, has been constantly nagging about me being too FAT, as if I do not already know. She does it every morning when she wakes up, every night before she goes to bed and any time in between when she sees me popping anything into my mouth (which is very often). Irritating!

To hell with all the FAT-talk.
Last I heard, liposuction really isn't that expensive. And you can even do a Jolin with all that excess fats while you are at it. WOW.

Oh, another new found hobby of mine - ebay. I'm so hooked onto it the last couple of days! Another marvel of the Internet! But shipping costs WILL KILL!!! Eyed on a vintage-style doctors bag yesterday. Unfortunately, I was informed that the shipping costs to SIN would cost me a whopping 6-times the price of the bag! OMG.


By the way, I went KTV with UNCLE a week back and made quite a few video recordings on my camera.

His singing is definitely by far one of the best I've heard among my friends! Had wanted to post the videos up here earlier, but the sound recording qualities were so damn POOR that they do MAJOR INJUSTICES to his singing.

I should just use a voice recorder next round.

Anyway, I've decide to just post one up here for memories' sake. I've got permission but I still hope he doesn't kill me. =P

Haha, if you were unable to catch the conversation during the interval in song, it was him getting all nervous on realising that I was actually do recording.

No sorry, no recordings of my screeching. I don't want to kill you with one because... I sing horrible!!! SOB... The only person who might think that I might have an OK voice would definitely be a deaf guy. Evidently, its so bad that some childish BITCH even had to take the trouble to bitch about my singing in her blog few years back. LOL.

4:03 AM
P u R r P a W s

Saturday, March 01, 2008


I found a new snack!!! :D

I'm going ga-ga over this thing!!!

Special note to my dear XY: Nope, this is not WORMS!!! Keke =p

Look at the nutritional value, man!! Only 30 Calories per serving! O_O

There's 2 servings in per packet, which means that for an average person's healthy daily calories intake of 2000, it takes 33 packets of this yummilicious snack to fill that number!!

Before u start wondering, no... I'm not tryin to do a free advert.... (~_~lll

But this thing is damn exciting lah!!!! Eat without guilt!!! =)

I'm gonna try base a diet on this =) Two packets of jellyfish with my usual daily servings of greens and fruits, lets see if I can finally hit that 45 dream-figure on the weighing scales or not??? :D

The only drawback? This thing has got too much sodium in it. And worse, MSG too!!! *Faints* But well, I guess at least with the separated seasoning packeting, you get to choose whether you really dare empty that whole packet of badness into it, or not. I wouldn't.

Oh, since I'm already on this, I might as well share how I shed 5KG in 2 weeks two Decembers ago :)
Yup, 5KG in just 2 weeks, without exercise too!!! :D

Just be warned that this is NOT a healthy diet, and I'm definitely NO nutritionist. So yah, I'm just sharing what worked for me. Try at your own risk.

My 2-weeks diet then consisted of Hotdogs, blanched veges and fruits. NO rice. Basically I would just eat hotdogs till I got full. I'm quite LAZY as you know, so I'd usually simply microwave the hotdogs in a bowl of water for around 1-2mins. If you get sick of the hotdogs occasionally, you can always substitute them with some fish and fishballs or fishcakes. But try to stay away from the oily fried ones.

I know some people can't do without the daily carbo and no meal ever seems complete without rice to them, so this diet might be a little difficult. It was much easier for me, since I quitted rice more than 9 years ago (it makes me sleepy and lethargic during lectures). Besides, I love veges and I'm not so much of a carbo nor meat-fan. I guess if you really need a filler, beancurd might do the trick too =)

Oh, you can easily google the reasons why I mentioned that this hotdog diet can be unhealthy.

I've also tried another slightly healthier substitute for hotdogs last december --- Fishballs and Fishcakes. No exercise too. It didn't seem to work that well. I only lost around 2KG in 2 weeks, which.... I have since totally gained back from the CNY curse. ARGH!

Maybe I wasn't as disciplined then or maybe I have already hit the bottle neck of my minimum weight. Eversince I was 16, the lowest that I could ever go is 46KG. Nothing less than that. =( Ok, I guess by now everyone can roughly calculate my current weight (~_~lll

Ok, I shall update any weight loss from my new jellyfish diet in the next two weeks =) Wish me luck!!!
Hope no one asks me out for dinner manz!! I have such a weak spot for food, I'll definitely lose control. =(

7:49 PM
P u R r P a W s

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