*PuRrPaWs FoOtsTepS*

Sunday, June 29, 2008


But I think Uncle secretly hates it with the increasing petrol costs...
(OK, mayb he ain't so secretive about that.)
And I'm guessing he's going to ban giving me rides very soon... =(

Anyway, some nonsensical rants again....

Can anyone tell me why are we paying extra moolahs to pack away food from a foodcourt?

I mean, food prices sold in foodcourts are already more expensive than the normal coffeeshops and hawkers. And I can totally understand why.

Not that the food is any nicer, it never is. But they argue that you are paying for the air-conditioning, and probably a cleaner environment. (Even when these are practically non-existence sometimes). Comfort always cost money. So you have to pay the extra.

When you pack away food from a coffeeshop, they make you pay for the extra cost they incurred for the containers they use to pack your food in. Fair enough.

When you pack away food from foodcourt, they charge you the extras for the same reasons too. That is of course fair and justifiable too.

But then, how about the "cleaner environment" and "air-conditioning" charges? Are you even using any bit of them when you do take-aways from foodcourts?

Absolutely NO!

Then how come they don't remove those components from the total bill???

Yah, maybe I should just get a life, stop going to foodcourts and stop complaining so much, ya? =P

12:24 PM
P u R r P a W s

Monday, June 23, 2008

Feeling Freaking FAT.

Feels as though my tummy wobbles with every step I make.

NO, I'm not only "feeling" it.
The jelly'O bulk embracing my waist (if I still have any) does literally "dance" in rhythm to my movements.


Yah, I know... Having disappeared from the blog for more than two weeks, and then re-appear with another one of my FAT entries is not the most ideal. SHIT.

10:46 PM
P u R r P a W s

Friday, June 06, 2008

Been thinking hard about what to blog...
There's absolutely nothing, NOTHING for me to blog about.

Oh I did nearly gave myself a heart attack reading this month's credit card bill... I supposed I might have shopped alot too much. But the scariest part is... I really have no idea what I've spent on... The descriptions on the bill couldn't make me recall. (~_~lll

Gee... The more bewildered thing is, I have NOT even started shopping in the GSS!!
Where the hell did all the money go to?? Sigh.

And Uncle is now complaining about the ridiculously high C.C bill he has incurred over the last month, buying tibits for me. I don't know whether I should feel sorry for him. =P

11:06 PM
P u R r P a W s

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