Have not been blogging.... AGAIN.
Been too busy with the Financial Accounting Paper last week and other things as well. "Busy" would mean I do not have the time for my usual daydreams and narcissism. So naturally, I have either nothing interesting to blog about, or I did not have the time to pen down my thoughts before they drift away from my peanut brain. I have gold fish memory, remember?
This post is gonna be really random again... This is what always happen when I’m absence from my blog for too long. Too many thoughts strays in but nothing makes sense…
Oh well, I’m blabbering…
Anyway, the paper was surprisingly Ok. Its one of the rare papers in my 2 years of uni-studies, that I actually managed to finish answering all the questions. A bad sign if you ask me -- others would definitely be able to achieve more –- but I think I should be able to make a PASS. Just hoping no idiots screw up the marking curve by scoring full marks or anywhere close to that again.
Attended Kara’s wedding last Saturday. A pity it clashed with my morning paper, so I could make it for the dinner event. The couple’s solemnization ceremony was CUTE and touching! I saw tears in some of the audience’s eyes. The gal had put in so much efforts and time planning and preparing for this day. I guess the amount of work probably isn’t something that I would put myself through on my own big day. Still, I do think the efforts and the details were really remarkable, most importantly, everything was totally worth it eventually.
I shall update more on her wedding when she uploads the pictures.
Ok, this is a little outdated… But did you read about the Xiaxue and Dawn Yang drama again? Frankly, it kinda bored me.* Rolls eyes* Part of me wonders if they had planned the whole hullabaloo for blog traffic.
The “Or-I-shall-sue-you” thingy is just so-Singaporean. All talk and nothing happens. Even the local kindergarten kids have made a habit outta this statement. It just feels like elementary-school catty-girls-fight minus the physical blows. Very immature and petty. WWE is probably better to watch.