It wasn't enough that she totally took for granted my dearie as her personal chauffeur. It wasn't enough that she boradcasted to everybody that she is no longer in our group because we were "irresponsible" in our work, when we were the one who actually wanted her out of the group 'cos she was the irresponsible liar, who totally did not contribute to any of our work at all. It also wasn't enough that she told everyone that my boyfriend scolded her, when she was the one who shouted at him and scolded vulgarities.
And now she's taking my silence for granted too.
Today, Bestie and I were just relaxing in Coffee Bean after our dinner, when she walked in with her group of friends and sat down at a table across the hall in front of us. Then in our full view, she started pointing at me to her friends. It was obvious what was the content of her conversation to them, when her friends kept turning over to look at me and made demeaning faces.
Apparently what I thought was the best approach to face her, was crap in her head. "Avoidance" certainly don't work for her. She badly needs attention from me and yes, she sure got ours. For the rest of the evening, she and her group keep stealing long glances of us. I did not hear what they said, and I shall not make guesses. But from their body language, it wasn't difficult to know what kind of discussion was made about me. Frankly, anyone in my shoes wouldn't have felt comfortable. Even Bestie got very irritated by them.
We just wanted to enjoy the evening, I don't understand why did she have to do all that. I would have pretended not to know her, as always, when she walked into the cafe. Wasn't avoidance better than conflict? Apparently she just wasn't mature enough to understand.
I really don't know what exactly is her issue with me? Why did she had to go out of the the way to make lies and create so much controversy against me? Jealousy, perhaps? What is it about me that deserves so much attention from her? I don't happen to think that much of myself, frankly... But I guess I really wouldn't know what runs through people's insanity sometimes...
But the weird thing is, she has never express her strange enmity against me in the presence of our class members. I would DARE her to behave that way against me in the class. But well, she wouldn't. She has her "innocent" image to keep up with if she wants people to continue believing her countless lies about others bullying her and such. How fake can people get sometimes? Such a two-faced bitch. I mean, if you dislike me, show it. I would too, and this entry is just a perfect demonstration of it.
I may not be a person of perfect calibre, but I would certainly not stoop to her level, and I certainly do not use underhand methods against anyone. I pride myself for that. Afterall, acting, lies and hypocrisy are difficult to keep up with. If you aren't the person you pretend to be, everyone can see through you eventually, and pretending only makes the scene uglier. Girl, if these have worked... Why would everyone avoid you like plague nowadays? Someone should start teaching her that.
I hope this entry had fufilled her thirst for the attention that she was so desperately looking for.
More WAR? I'm not interested. Anyway, there has never been a mutual war. She gets her kick out of barking at others and playing her politics, even when people don't response. DUH. Crazy bitch.